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Tip of the Day

Medical Facts Of The Body  

181.Humans have the ability to differentiate about 10, 000 odour.
182.It takes time for the newborn baby to learn to turn the pictures right side up, as it sees the world upside down in the beginning.
183.If human sense of smell is affected, sense of taste is also affected as the brain interprets signals from the nose and tongue.
184.There are around 1,200,000 optic fibers in the human eye.
185.The lens of the human eye is composed of 65 % of water and 3 % of protein.
186.We shut our eyes for 0.3 seconds, when we blink.
187.Color blind people find it hard to distinguish colors like green and red.
188.A blink of an eye lasts for 1/10th of a second.
189.Eyes are the only part of the human body that functions at 100 percent ability at any movement.
190.The human skin contains 280,000 heat receptors.
191.A drop of blood contains 250 million cells.
192.The liver is the largest and heaviest internal organ of the body and weighs about 1.6 kilos.
193.In the womb, the baby's body is covered by a thin layer of hair but as soon as the baby is born it disappears.
194.At birth every one is color blind.
195.Babies crawl to an average of 200 m a day.
196.The only joint less bone in the human body is the hyoid bone, which is present in the throat area.
197.A baby gender is determined after the first 6-8 weeks of pregnancy.
198.Eating Break fast helps to burn 5 to 20 percent of calories throughout the day.
199.The surface of human tongue is covered with 100 of tiny structures called papillae.
200.On an average, a persons left hand does 56 % of typing.


Beauty tips

Homemade tips

    • Homemade exfoliation: Take ground apricots and fresh cream. Make a paste out of it. Use it two times a week.
    • Pimples and blackheads: Use glycerin, lime juice and rose water. Apply the paste at night. This will help you to get rid of pimples and blackheads.
    • Lip pigmentation: Use a paste made of almonds and castor oil. Apply it on your lips before you go to bed. This will soften your lips and remove pigmentation.
    • Dark Circles: To remove dark circles, make a paste with coconut oil and castor oil. Rub this with your finger till the oil is absorbed.
    • Natural Conditioning: Mix honey and cream. Apply this to the hair ends to get a smooth feeling. Make sure that you don’t apply this to the hair roots.
    • Natural Scrub: Make a natural scrub to soften your hands and legs. Take coarse sea salt, almond oil, lavender essential oil and water. Make a paste out of it. Apply the paste on your hands and legs for 15-20 minutes. You will get a fresh feeling once you wash off the paste.
    • Hair Glow: You would surely like to add an extra glow to your hair. After to use shampoo and conditioner add few drops of vinegar in water and wash your hair. Absorb the water in a towel.
    • Exercise: You must exercise for at least 30 minutes two times a week.
    • Water: Drink at least 8-9 glasses of water everyday to have healthy hair and skin.
    • Tips for eyes: You can reduce the puffiness in your eyes by using castor oil. You will get a fresh feeling in your eyes with castor oil.
    • Cucumbers for eyes: You can cut cucumber slices and keep it on your eye lids. This will give you an everlasting feeling of freshness. On the other hand, cotton absorbed in cold milk can also be used on the eye lids to get a fresh feeling.
    • Rose Water for eyes: Rose water is very refreshing for the eyes. Apply few drops of rose water in your eyes before you go to sleep everyday. This will give a refreshing feeling in your eyes.
    • Chapping Lips: To avoid chapping lips, use hot water fermentation. Then apply Vaseline with honey. You may apply this three times a week.
    • Soft Lips: To keep your lips soft make a mixture of rose petals and milk butter.
    • Lemon on hands: With age you might get marks on your hand. To avoid this you can rub a piece of lemon on your hands.
    • Powder in hair: At times you might find it difficult to shampoo your hair before you are going outdoors. In such a scenario you can use a tablespoon of talcum powder or corn flour in your hair. Brush the powder in your hair.
    • Hair fall: To prevent hair fall you may drink biotin rich drink. This drink will include banana, honey, yogurt and low fat milk. Try and drink this mix often.
    • Set hair: To set your hair you may use a dry blower. This will help you to set your hair inward or outward. It should not look uneven.
    Few treatments which are homemade
  • Treatment for acne: There are people you are facing acne problem. You can resolve the problem by using apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. First wash your face. Then absorb apple cider vinegar or lemon juice in cotton. Apply the mix on your face. Repeat this process quiet often. This will help you to remove acne.
  • Homemade face mask: If you can make face packs which are made from natural ingredients. The homemade packs are best for your skin. Take cucumber juice. Mix fresh curd in it. Apply the curd on your face. This will make the skin glow and you will have a bright and fresh feeling.
  • The magic of turmeric: Turmeric has been used by women from prehistoric time. Mix orange juice and turmeric. Apply it on your face. This will help as a natural scrub and enhance your skin complexion too.
Homemade hair care remedies
  1. 1.Gram flour, coconut milk: Dry hair and dandruff problems can be cured with gram flour and coconut milk. Make a paste with the two ingredients. Apply the paste on your scalp. Repeat the process once in a week. This will nourish the hair and kill dandruff.
  2. Lemon juice for hair: Lemon juice and banyan tree root will help in reducing hair fall. Mix banyan tree root and lemon juice. Apply the mix in your hair. This will reduce hair fall and your hair will also grow fast. You must repeat the process often in a month.
Manicure and pedicure
  • Lemon juice will help in manicure and pedicure. Add few drops of lemon juice in hot water. Dip your feet and fingers in them for 15-20 minutes. It will give you a fresh feeling and your hand and your feet will also get cleansed.
Homemade remedies for skin and hair is much more useful than using any other product from the market. 


5 Tips for a Successful Job Interview.
Job interviews can be stressful. After all, you are trying to convince a stranger that you are qualified for the job. But you can ace your next interview if you follow these 5 tips for a successful job interview.
1. Be Prepared - This might sound obvious, but there are many aspects of preparing for a successful job interview that many candidates don't realize. One of the best tips for a successful job interview that I can give is to put together a checklist of all the things that you need for the interview. Some things on the checklist might be: bring multiple copies of your resume, print out driving directions to the office, and know how long it takes to get there. The last thing you want to be is late!
2. Make Eye Contact - Making positive eye contact is a key tip for a successful interview. Eye contact is so important because it is one of the strongest forms of nonverbal communication. A person's qualities and personality can be detected simply based on eye contact. Making direct eye contact communicates confidence and high self-esteem, two key qualities employers look for in candidates. 
Thus, it is very important that you make eye contact when you first meet interviewer and shake hands. And during the interview, it is important to make eye contact, not only when you talk, but also as you listen. Simply doing these two tips will greatly help your chances of success in a job interview.
3. Dress Appropriately - Knowing what to wear on a job interview is half the battle of the interview itself. The old adage could never be so true, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression."
When you're going on a job interview, your appearance is extremely important. Whether or not you look professional or sloppy could play a huge role on if you get hired.
When first deciding what to wear on a job interview, you should first take into consideration the culture of the company you are interviewing with, and dress accordingly. Are you interviewing with a company where the employees wear suits everyday or do they wear t-shirts and jeans?
If you want to get the job, your choice of what to wear on a job interview should match or be slightly dressier than the normal work attire of the company. For example, if the normal work attire of the company is business casual, it's ok to wear a suit to impress. If the normal work attire is casual, it's ok to wear a business casual outfit to impress as well. Appropriateness is the most important factor on what to wear on a job interview.
After you decide whether a professional, business casual, or casual outfit the most appropriate for your interview, here are some guidelines you will want to stay with in when deciding what to wear on a job interview. The key is to wear clothing that you feel comfortable and look great in, while at the same time matching the corresponding dress code of the company. That way you'll give off great energy and your true personality shine through.
4. Know the Company - Walking into an interview with proper knowledge of the company will score points with the interviewer. Other candidates may have the same job experience as you, but you can set yourself apart by demonstrating your knowledge of current events of the company and its industry. Visit the company's website for any news or press releases that it has sent out recently. This will give you opportunities to ask questions during the interview, which is definitely a key to a successful job interview.
Was there a recent change in Management? If so, you might want to ask how this will impact the company. Maybe the company just rolled out new technology. You can ask what the interview thinks about it, in relation to the company's competitors.
Familiarizing yourself with the company will give you an edge over your competition, and is critical to having a successful job interview.
5. Know Your Skills - You need to be very familiar with your resume and skill set before going on any interview. Remember, the interviewer is most likely meeting you for the first time, and may not know much about you. Plus, the interviewer is probably meeting with several candidates for the same position, and you need to separate yourself from the crowd.
You must effectively communicate your skills and qualifications to the interviewer, and you can only do so if you are totally familiar with your resume and skills. For example, if they ask you what you learned from your last job, you should have a few answers to choose from. And every answer you give should be supported by concrete examples. Without concrete examples, the interviewer will have nothing to latch on to, and might overlook what you have to say. But if you attach a real-world event or accomplishment to your example, it is more likely to leave an impression on the interviewer. This is key to having a successful job interview.
You now have 5 tips for a successful job interview. I highly recommended that you implement these tips the next time you go on an interview, as they will help set you apart from the crowd and gain an edge over the other candidates.

 Before you make a pitch, remember that investors are more likely to support an entrepreneur who's professional, well prepared, and knows her numbers. Here are three tips to be just that:
  • Prepare, prepare, prepare. Before you present, gather background information on prospective investors using Google and social media. If you know your audience you can engage them on a personal level.
  • Tell your business's story. Start with a persistent problem and then show how your proposition will fix it. Make sure it's something the investor can relate to.
  • Back up your pitch with data. Investors are primarily interested in facts. Be sure your numbers make sense. Be prepared for in-depth questions on turnover, sales figures, break-even points, and gross and net margins.


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